Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

When you live in an area that experiences freezing-cold temps, usually, there’s not much you can do about all that comes with it.

However, one couple from Sweden discovered a brilliant solution.

In the heart of Stockholm’s brisk climate, Marie Granmar and Charles Sacilotto have redefined sustainable living.

Their unique home, wrapped in a greenhouse, shows ingenuity and a deep respect for nature.

This remarkable dwelling, inspired by architect Bengt Warne’s Naturhus concept, is not just a house – it’s a living, breathing ecosystem.


The Granmar-Sacilotto home, originally a modest summer house, has been transformed into a year-round haven.

The greenhouse encasing the house creates a microclimate that significantly warms the interior, even during Stockholm’s harsh winters.

This innovative design allows temperatures inside to soar to a comfortable 15-20°C (59-68°F) when it’s a freezing -2°C (28°F) outside.


The beauty of this design lies in its simplicity and efficiency.

The greenhouse doubles the home’s footprint, providing ample space for a lush garden.

Here, the family cultivates produce uncommon in Sweden, like figs and cucumbers, turning their home into a small-scale agricultural wonderland.

This integration of home and nature blurs the lines between indoor and outdoor living, creating a unique, harmonious space.


The couple’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond just temperature regulation.

Their home is a model of self-sufficiency, boasting an independent sewage system designed by Sacilotto, an engineer.

This system, which includes a urine-separating toilet, uses natural processes like centrifuges and garden ponds to treat and recycle water, embodying a closed-loop ecological cycle.

The greenhouse serves multiple purposes, not only providing warmth but also acting as a space for growing food and a play area for their son.

The roof, removed to make way for the greenhouse, now serves as a sunlit terrace, perfect for relaxation and family activities.

This transformation showcases the adaptability and multifunctional potential of living spaces.


Despite the greenhouse’s warmth, the Stockholm winter still poses challenges.

On the coldest days, temperatures inside can drop, necessitating additional insulation and heating.

This reality shows the balance between sustainable practices and the need for conventional comforts in extreme climates.


The heart of the home’s sustainability lies in its water and waste management systems.

The family collects rainwater for irrigation and uses a sophisticated, chemical-free process to treat household wastewater.

This system exemplifies a profound commitment to reducing their environmental footprint.

Sacilotto told Fair Companies:

“It’s not just to use the nature, the sun and the water, but… it’s all a philosophy of life, to live in another world, in fact.”

Their approach to waste is equally innovative.

The home features a composting system that turns both food scraps and human waste into nutrient-rich soil, further supporting their garden.

This cycle of reuse and regeneration is a cornerstone of their sustainable lifestyle.


While they have achieved much, the couple sees their journey as ongoing, with opportunities for further advancements in self-sufficiency and ecological harmony.

Press play on the video below to get a closer look at this fascinating home!

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By Admin